We’d love to have you join us for a four-course homemade Shabbat Dinner! Every Friday night, we gather together to eat, sing and be uplifted by the spirit of Shabbat. Bring your friends and be ready to make new ones. Best of all, it’s free! Reserve through the RSVP link to let us know that you’ll be joining us.

A Mezuzah is a little scroll which has inscribed in it the words of the Shema prayer. It is hung on the doorposts of Jewish homes and is a source of God’s protection and a display of Jewish pride. With the Mezuzah Bank, Chabad at University of Tampa lends students Mezuzot for their dorm rooms. Sign up to receive yours and we’ll hang it up together.

Join us on Saturday afternoons for Cholent and Chill. Warm-up over cholent (a special stew made by our very own Rabbi Levi), converse with fellow students, read a book on the couch or play a board game. We take the chill part seriously because after all, Shabbat is the day of rest! Reserve through the RSVP link to let us know that you’ll be joining us